Thursday, June 4, 2009

It`s a must that I have a competence in English
for Mathematics Education

English language is international language, so that English language of vital importance for we master. Almost is all language English area required. If we can master and application can in everyday life either in conversation and also in the form of text we will be able to vie with other people who.

Especially I which soon will become a teacher, I should be able to master English language that can teach in international having level school even so not having level national which in its(the study using English language although doesn't gild it. With the matter I can develop potency of the myself. And reach it things which I do is multiply vocabulary in English language especially relating to a real difficult mathematics and because vocabulary mathematics in English language seldom be applied in everyday conversation causing needs circumstantial understanding and source of adequate studies so that will water down learning process.
Because approximant is of all by schools from nursery school until senior high school either public school and also private sector there are Iesson of English language, even now starts there are schools having level national and or school is having level is international claims us as teacher candidate should be able to master English language.
Why now there [are] blazing the way school is having standard international? That is of all because government wish to increase quality of education in Indonesia having level parallel or international with advance states. That thing is because of that education in Indonesia can run along with Developed countries and in order not to easy to be colonized and can interact in international world.
So of the router generations is not necessarily look for science in country people because education in country x'self doesn't fail is far with education of outside which has applied English language which has in confessing world.
Video 1 : do u believe in me
In this video, there is a student named Doultan. Who gives a speech in the thout of the thousand student and teachers the topic of his speech is about how we believe in ourself, to achieve something. The students should believe in their, and the teacher should believe in their students.
If u (teacher) believe in me (students), he or she can do anything, he can create, he can dream and he can become anything that they want. The teacher or the student it self. Should believe that they can graduate the class nath abd joint to the good colleges. The student not need to give up in the math class because they believe they can, no mather they come from.
The choldren can go to the good collage, they need to believe.
Video 2: What you know about math?

The second video tells me about” The materials which is discussing in mathematics”, there are:
o Significant figure
o Limit
o Exponent
o Trigonometry
o Integral
o Matrix
o Differential
o Phi

Video 3: English Solving Problem
The third video tells me about one example of mathematics problem. In this video shows the graph of y=g(x), if the function h is defined by f(x) equals x plus one ( f(x) = x + 1) If 2 times f(p) equals twenty ( 2f(p) = 20 ) . What is the value of f(3p)? this is one example of mathematics solving problem.

Video 4: properties of Logarithms
The fourth video tells me about properties of Logarithms, there are :
1. Log x to the base b equals y symmetry with b power y equal x

2. Log x to the base 10 equals Log x

3. Log x to the base natural numeral equals Ln x (this natural logarithm)
example: Log 100 to the base 10 equals x. What is the value of x?
answer: Log 100 to the base 10 equals x, become 10 to the power of x equals 100, so x equal 2.

Video 5: trigonometry
The word trigonometry comes from trigono and metry, trigono means triangle. It consist of three lines in the form of triangle with a teta in the front line.
It creates sin, cos and tan. It shortens write soh cah toa. It means sin teta is opposite over hyphotenus, cos is adcasent over hyphotenus, tangen is opposite over adcasent.
And the video also clarify to look for sin, cos, and tan. Example a right triangle with hypotenus 5, opposite 4, and adcasent 3. And with the formulas soh cah toa can solve sin equals 4 over 5, cos equals 3 over 5, and tan equals 4 over 3.
Video 6: Discussing the graph of a rational function
Graphs of rational function off limits f (x) equals x plus 2 over x minus 1..? It can have discontinues because has a polynomial in the denominator. There is of limit, where X is one. This is becomes one plus to over zero, then zero is non denominator. It breaks in function graph. Rational function don’t always work this away. Not all rational function will give zero in denomitor.
Y equals x squared minus x minus 6 over x minus 3. When y equals 3. This is becomes zero over zero it’s missing point syndrome, but not posible not allowed. And the typical example y equals x squared minus x minus 6 over x minus 3 equals y equals x minus 3 in bracket times x plus 2 in bracket over all x minus 3, and x minus 3 top cancel botton equals y equals x plus 2, when x equals 3 no problem.
Removable singgulary when x leads to zero over zero.
1. Characteristic of Logarithm
• a to the power of m times a to the power of n equals a to the power of m plus n in bracket.
• a to the power of m devided a to the power of n equals a to the power m minus n in bracket.
• Logarithm b with base number a equals n. So b equals a to the power of n.
• Logarithm a with base number g equals x. so a equals g to the power of x.
• Logarithm b with base number g equals y. so b equals g to the power of y.
• Logarithm a times b in bracket with base number g equals …?
For example:
Logarithm a with base number g equals x, so a equals g to the power of x. Logarithm b with base number g equals y, so b equals g to the power of y. a times b equals g to the power of x times g to the power of y. a times b equals g to the power of x plus y in bracket. So that logarithm a times b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm g with base number g to the power of x plus y in bracket equals x plus y in bracket times logarithm g with base number g because logarithm g with base number g equals 1 so equals x plus y. And the conclussion logarithm a time b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g plus logarithm b with base number g.

A over b equals g to the power of x over g to the power of y congruen a over b equals g to the power of x minus y in bracket. Congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm g to the power of x minus y in bracket with base number g. Congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals x minus y in bracket times logarithm g with base number g. congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals x minus y in bracket. Congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g minus logarithm b with base number g. and the conclussion logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g minus logarithm b with base number g.
Logarithm a to the power of n with base number g equals logarithm a times a times a … times a in bracket with base number g. Note n each factor a. congruen logarithm a to the power of n with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g plus logarithm a with base number g plus … logarithm a with base number g. note n addition each logarithm a with base number g. Congruen logarithm a to the power of n with base number q equals n times logarithm a with base number g. So the conclussion logarithm a to the power of n with base number g equals n times logarithm a with base number g.
2. Explain how to find formula abc
Quadrate equation
Characteristic zero number: AB equals 0 if and only if A equals 0 or B equals 0
Characteristic quadrate root: if form A squared equals B then A equals plus minus squared of B
Standard type quadrate equation in x is ax squared plus bx plus c plus zero
With a, b, c subsets R(R = set real numbers) and a not equals zero
Solution quadrate equation is:
Ax squared plus bx plus c equals 0
Ax squared plus bx equals negative c
A squared plus b over a times x equals minus c over a
A squared plus b over a times x plus b over two a in bracket squared equals minus c over a plus b over two a in bracket squared
X plus b over two a in bracket squared equals b squared minus four times a times c over all four times a squared
X plus b over two a equals plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all four times a squared
X plus b over two a equals plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all two a
X equals minus b plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all two a
That acquired formula:
So ax squared plus bx plus c equals 0, a, b, c, subsets real number ЄR, a not equals 0.
Then x equals minus b plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all two a

3. What is Phi??

Phi obtained from wide counting a circle regarded as equal to square 8/9 times diameter and contents of from bevel cylinder equal to product from its(the pallet wide times distance height. So if it is elaborated like this:
area of circle equals 8 over 9 times d in bracket squared
we know that d equals 2r so gotten
area of circle equals 8 over 9 times 2r in bracket squared
Equals 64 over 81 times 4r squared
Equals 256 over 81 times r squared
Equals 3,16 r squared
So phi equals 3,16 and that is according to ancient mesir people.