Thursday, June 4, 2009

1. Characteristic of Logarithm
• a to the power of m times a to the power of n equals a to the power of m plus n in bracket.
• a to the power of m devided a to the power of n equals a to the power m minus n in bracket.
• Logarithm b with base number a equals n. So b equals a to the power of n.
• Logarithm a with base number g equals x. so a equals g to the power of x.
• Logarithm b with base number g equals y. so b equals g to the power of y.
• Logarithm a times b in bracket with base number g equals …?
For example:
Logarithm a with base number g equals x, so a equals g to the power of x. Logarithm b with base number g equals y, so b equals g to the power of y. a times b equals g to the power of x times g to the power of y. a times b equals g to the power of x plus y in bracket. So that logarithm a times b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm g with base number g to the power of x plus y in bracket equals x plus y in bracket times logarithm g with base number g because logarithm g with base number g equals 1 so equals x plus y. And the conclussion logarithm a time b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g plus logarithm b with base number g.

A over b equals g to the power of x over g to the power of y congruen a over b equals g to the power of x minus y in bracket. Congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm g to the power of x minus y in bracket with base number g. Congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals x minus y in bracket times logarithm g with base number g. congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals x minus y in bracket. Congruen logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g minus logarithm b with base number g. and the conclussion logarithm a over b in bracket with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g minus logarithm b with base number g.
Logarithm a to the power of n with base number g equals logarithm a times a times a … times a in bracket with base number g. Note n each factor a. congruen logarithm a to the power of n with base number g equals logarithm a with base number g plus logarithm a with base number g plus … logarithm a with base number g. note n addition each logarithm a with base number g. Congruen logarithm a to the power of n with base number q equals n times logarithm a with base number g. So the conclussion logarithm a to the power of n with base number g equals n times logarithm a with base number g.
2. Explain how to find formula abc
Quadrate equation
Characteristic zero number: AB equals 0 if and only if A equals 0 or B equals 0
Characteristic quadrate root: if form A squared equals B then A equals plus minus squared of B
Standard type quadrate equation in x is ax squared plus bx plus c plus zero
With a, b, c subsets R(R = set real numbers) and a not equals zero
Solution quadrate equation is:
Ax squared plus bx plus c equals 0
Ax squared plus bx equals negative c
A squared plus b over a times x equals minus c over a
A squared plus b over a times x plus b over two a in bracket squared equals minus c over a plus b over two a in bracket squared
X plus b over two a in bracket squared equals b squared minus four times a times c over all four times a squared
X plus b over two a equals plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all four times a squared
X plus b over two a equals plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all two a
X equals minus b plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all two a
That acquired formula:
So ax squared plus bx plus c equals 0, a, b, c, subsets real number ЄR, a not equals 0.
Then x equals minus b plus minus square of b squared minus four times a times c over all two a

3. What is Phi??

Phi obtained from wide counting a circle regarded as equal to square 8/9 times diameter and contents of from bevel cylinder equal to product from its(the pallet wide times distance height. So if it is elaborated like this:
area of circle equals 8 over 9 times d in bracket squared
we know that d equals 2r so gotten
area of circle equals 8 over 9 times 2r in bracket squared
Equals 64 over 81 times 4r squared
Equals 256 over 81 times r squared
Equals 3,16 r squared
So phi equals 3,16 and that is according to ancient mesir people.

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