Saturday, February 21, 2009


How to Communicate Mathematics Education in English

How to communication mathematics education in motivation,there are many aspect to support us know and understand studiet english.
Hear have the high skill.It's being knwn,because with hear some conversation being the foreigner is better than hear for native.
talk less,no more.
with say something english in conversation shape,we can easyly study.perhaps our logicianstion is not same like the native speaker,but study english without.Explain it with practise said something with english is nonsense. write.
Write combine our knowwledge.In grammar and vocabolary.write,show us to know the kind of grammar in english and vocabulary in dictionary. read
reading comperhenson try us to understand some stories and know the real meaning. traslate.
translate some text practised us to know is the meaning and the purpise of the text .it can full up our vocabulary more rich than before .

There are many kinds of side in mathematicss such as:
  • Algebra isAlgebra is some of the branch of mathematics that studied us.with max and minimum and some curve in hiperbolig segmen.
  • Arithmatics is branch of mathematics that tells us about polynomial causation.
  • Geometry is branch of mathematics that tell us obout other kind of shape, diagonal, etc.
  • Calculus, the type of calculus is differential calculus and integral calculus.
  • Statistic is type of branch mathematics tell us about collect data, known about mean, median, modus.
The other part for support our lesson:
  • the teacher tell us about something and make assigment.
  • Student is must obey and followthe lesson.
  • the methode in english II 2009 is active learner, with more apucations.
  • resources from text books of mathematics english and internet technology.
  • Appreciation toll and show us how understand we know the matter, bad or good.
  • Competence is pull up to do better to reach the best result.
  • Indicator of teaching is we can pracnte study english mathematics with english version.
  • teaching aid is student and teacher active together and support each other.
  • Classroom, in classroom not all of convercation in english because it's can difficult to understand.

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