Friday, March 13, 2009


Mathematics problems in the big two can be divided they are: problems related to daily life and problems of mathematics. Problems are problems that require math to solve. Ex: How long does it take to travel through a certain distance? Mathematics needed here as a tool and not as purpose. Issue emphasis on mathematics and this mathematics aspects of the process to complete. The process and results were considered and developed in the problems of mathematics. Process skills in problem solving in mathematics is needed include: - Reasoning (reasoning), - organization (organising), - grouping (classifing), and - identification of patterns (pattern recognising). Students who successfully solve the problems of mathematics is that students: - will be sure capabilities, - would like to try different ways, and - have a high want to know. Teachers can get a math problem from a variety of sources: - through dialogue with the students; - through parents; - through teacher handbook; - through student questions; - through another source. How to create the environment / atmosphere conducive to learning activities in mathematics from the aspects of problem solving is: - the situation and the students desire, - to give questions to students and to answer the request, - to encourage students to use a variety of ways - make a simple example, involving students and develop, - create puzzles, - the question: What if ... ? Is it possible to ...? How many different ways? - And when they finished work, ask them: Did you get all the possible answers? and How do you know? If you want to start the problem solving activities and is new in class, can be started from a simple. If there are problems, give opportunity to students to determine the choice. can also provide a question and observe student activities in fission problem. Problem solving activities in the classroom environment that support the need for example: classroom atmosphere; class structure; physical classroom environment; teaching resources, the ability of teachers; ability students. Problem solving activities to take a little loose. Activities Problem Solving with Cooperation. Cooperation among students will be realized if teachers develop attitudes of respect and communication with each other. Benefits of cooperation in the solution to this problem is: try different ways; develop flexible attitude and adjust with the other; explore alternative ways if a way is not working, how to compare one with the other; clarity does get through the suggestions / opinions of others; mutual provide encouragement to finish the problem. Mathematics in solving problems of both teachers and students need to develop procedures or completion of these steps are: - Understand the crux of the matter, - to discuss alternative solutions, - split into the major problem of the small, - to simplify the problem, - using the experience of the past and using intuition to find alternative solutions. - Trying different ways to ask a question: Let us try this and see what happens - to work systematically, - to record what is happening, - to check the result with a repeat the steps again, - to try to understand the problems of the other. Following questions can help teachers encourage students to solve mathematical problems with the (successful): - Is the issue appropriate for your students? - Is it possible to discuss the issue with the students without giving much explanation? - Are sufficient resources available for teaching the settlement of the issue? - There are some questions that need to be clarified to evaluate the problem solving activities such as: - How much the students complete the problem? - Are the students complete the whole or part? - What are the settlement of general or only apply to certain cases only? - Are the answers can be found faster? - Do students have an alternative answer? - Can the other students understand the solutions? - Do students have test it?


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